Hello storyteller
You say you want to be a raindrop. You don’t mind falling, as long as you’re not alone. And raindrops are never alone.
You always have a new story to tell me. Today, it’s about being a raindrop. I wish I could’ve been there, because stories aren’t always enough, and words can only go so far. Sometimes you talk to me for hours, sometimes for minutes. Healthy relationships are based on communication. Don't allow your words, however sweet and real, to sound so distant.
I am the girl on the pedestal, the fantasy, the make believe things that are actually true. I am the depth, the inside jokes, the best friend. We are the younger lovers our older selves will one day reminisce about. You would go anywhere just to be with me. Before me, you didn’t truly understand what you were looking for, and now that we’ve found each other, I’ve given your past and future meaning.
A new history is being started with us. I will always remember to give you new pages. But first, we must put pen to paper..